If you are a Coach, Healer, Speaker or Thought Leader, and want to leverage your time and deliver deeper transformations click below to learn about the Fewer Better Longer Mastermind Model

Masterminds and group coaching programs are the building blocks to scale a coaching business.

Learn How to Scale with Fewer Clients... Better Clients... Longer-Term Clients!

Tired of Trading Time for Money?

Always Needing More Leads, More Clients?

Feel like you’re always chasing clients? Tired of hearing you just need a bigger list? Learn how to create one unique program that can generate six-figures+ with as few as 9 clients. Fewer-Better-Longer.

Tired of Disappointing Launches?

The hamster wheel of constant course or program launches is exhausting. And its difficult to create stability with the finicky nature on one-on-one clients. Recurring revenue, from clients that commit to a 6 or 12 month program, creates security so you can achieve true entrepreneurial freedom!

Clients Not Doing the Work?

You put your heart and soul into your programs… but some clients don’t show up, don’t do the work and don’t get the results. Learn how to create collaborative programs that deliver life-changing transformations. In the age of AI, simply providing content and training is not enough!

Marilyn McLeod
Marilyn McLeod
Celebrating Coaches Magazine
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"This is the fourth course I've taken on how to create a mastermind, and Jay's program has by far been the most effective. His course sets forth step by step actions to create a mastermind around your unique expertise and leadership. Jay's personal attention and support only adds to the value of his course effectiveness. I would recommend this program to anyone wanting to create a Mastermind or similar high-ticket offer!"

Amy Todisco
Amy Todisco
Catalyst for Change Coaching
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"Jay, your Mastermind Mastery program was value filled and excellent. The pathway that you created for us was very well designed and implemented. Your low key, authentic, vulnerable and supportive personality was excellent. I am so much clearer on the process of how to create my own group coaching/mastermind hybrid. I particularly enjoyed the experience of the mastermind. I loved all of the extra bonuses. Well done!"

Bryan Hall
Bryan Hall
Life Success Coach
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As a coach, Jay Fairbrother is the one 'secret weapon' you need aboard to help you on your path to success as a consultant. I've been around the block enough times, and when it comes to achieving the greatest-possible heights for your business, there is no one greater to coach you than Jay. I've met no one else who can claim the title of 'expert', while also maintaining a down-to-earth, reliable, trustworthy, and creative persona as Jay does. He is an excellent coach."

Frustrated with Your Bottom Line?

If you aren’t getting what you deserve from your business, we can coach you to tweak several areas of your business to create the biggest impact with the least cost and effort

Ready to Scale Your Business?

Growing and Scaling are two different things. Growth creates headaches, Scale eliminates headaches. We will help you design your business to scale profitably and with purpose.

Leverage Your Time

Learn how to leverage your time without losing your effectiveness as many do delivering courses and group coaching.

Stuck in the Entrepreneurial Rut?

Many entrepreneurs get stuck in the Growth Rut, working harder to keep growing their company, and feel that they alone can fix the problem. Let us guide you to more profit and fewer headaches.

Want the Right Customers?

Many entrepreneurs start off accepting any clients, rather than target and attract the right clients who spend more and require less effort. Let us help you attract the Right Customers

Want to Sell High-End Offers?

Many coaches fear the one-on-one selling conversations that are necessary to sell high-end offers. We can teach you to sell without fear!

Growth Creating Headaches?

Spending all your effort on revenue and growth creates more headaches in the process. If you just keep working harder to grow your company, let us help you work smarter.

Can You Alone Fix It?

Most entrepreneurs have some version of Superman Syndrome, believing they should be able to solve all problems on their own. The most successful CEO’s find a mentor to help them learn and grow.

More Profits... Period

We Guarantee our results, regardless of which Program you participate in. We offer a money-back guarantee on any of our coaching programs

Christene Sismondo
Christene Sismondo
Evoluna Healing LLC
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"Before I took Mastermind Mastery with Jay, I thought I wanted to create a group coaching program... not a mastermind. But I joined Mastermind Mastery because I wanted clarity on how to add a high-end program to my business. Clarity, I got! The more I learned about the differences between group coaching programs vs. masterminds, the more I realized that it was actually more conducive to a mastermind! Not only that… my unique skills and passions were actually more aligned with leading and facilitating a mastermind. Mastermind Mastery set me on the right track for growing my business, and gave me the structure to create, fill, and finally launch the high-end program!"

Percy Cannon
Percy Cannon
Executive Leadership Coach
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"The Mastermind Mastery™ program with Jay Fairbrother was a great experience! This is the second program that I have taken with Jay, and what I really like about him is that he teaches and coaches at the same time, usually on the spot, and he reacts very well and engages participants in very, very useful ways.

This program helped me develop my own unique Mastermind structure... from the content and delivery, to the way to price it, to how to build relationships and deliver amazing outcomes for my clients. I am so very happy, and certainly recommend Mastermind Mastery for anybody who wants to build a mastermind or long-term group coaching program!"

Amy DePonte
Amy DePonte
Change is Limitless
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“From the moment I met Jay, I knew I made a connection with someone who was supportive, thoughtful, and honest. I participated in multiple Masterminds that Jay created and they were a great experience. The groups were open-minded, vulnerable and created a safe space to share information and ask questions. I attribute that to Jay. He is able to see attributes in people that they do not see in themselves, gives them the space to discover, and is a great connector of people. The amount of entrepreneurial experience he brings to the sessions, plus the mutual respect allowing others in the group to share their knowledge manifested a beautiful mesh of minds and ideas that is hard to find anywhere.”